Friday, November 27, 2009

day 5 :: honolulu fish auction

On Saturday morning, we had an amazing opportunity to see the Honolulu Fish Auction up-close. We learned that it's the only public fish auction in the United States, but only experienced buyers should participate. Surprisingly, it didn't smell like fish, and wow, these fish were big!

Inside the auction house we came across these opas that had been purchased. We learned that only 20% of the fish is actually consumed. The other 80% is tossed. Yikes.

During the auction, the fish's tail is cut off and a part of the meat is exposed so the buyers can get a closer look at the quality of the meat. The tags you see are how much the fish weighs and the price per pound.

Purchased fish that were being loaded onto trucks and into vans. Their next destination were restaurants and fish markets where you can buy just a few pounds of fish.

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